On Recognizing and Recovering from Vaccine Injuries and Long-Haul Covid, Part 1: Independent Researchers’ Findings
This is offered in the hope that people so affected can find new resources or ideas to help themselves.
Knowledge about these two conditions is growing rapidly outside of government authorities and organized medicine, which have been wrong on virtually everything related to Covid and vaccines. Here, in Part 1, I have collected reports and sources that I have found to be interesting, credible, and valuable.
The Overlaps
1. The spike protein is a common factor in both vaccine injuries and long-haul Covid. The spike protein is toxic, spreads from the site of the vaccination to the rest of the body, and of course it spreads during infection.
This post of 5-18-22 is from the Substack of Dr. Robert Malone, MD, who is the original inventor of mRNA vaccine technology and holds many patents in related areas. It contains reports, with links, showing:
—The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a toxin.
—The vaccines produce far more spike proteins for far longer than does the infection.
—Spike proteins get into the brain and damage nerves and brain tissue.
—There is no significant difference between Long Covid (PASC) and post-vaccine syndromes.
I have seen numerous other credible reports saying similar things, but this post conveniently encapsulates several ways the spike protein does damage.
2. Also common to both vaccine injuries and long Covid is an over-excitation of the immune system. A key insight into this phenomenon comes from this observation: When you get the flu, for example, the first hard-hitting symptoms come from the immune system. Depending on the invader, or allergen, or toxin, a highly excited immune system can produce symptoms anywhere in the body, and it can use up nutritional factors very rapidly.
3. Officials have moved the goal posts—again. You are not considered “vaccinated” by some authorities until 2 weeks after you have gotten the latest of the recommended “booster” injections. They consider any symptoms that emerge before that time period to be Covid-19, not caused by the vaccine. This raises very credible questions: Are the symptoms actually caused by the injection, or are they from a covid infection? If the latter, was the infection brought on by the latest injection? Because:
4. Evidence keeps mounting that with each additional injection, the likelihood of “getting Covid” increases. Possible causes, discussions of which I found early in 2020, one from virologist Luc Montagnier (Nobel Laureate in Medicine), include:
ADE—antibody-dependent enhancement—occurs when a vaccine produces deformed antibodies that enhance the ability of a virus to infect a person.
General disturbances of the immune system weaken resistance to infection. And
“Vaccine Resistance:” Just as indiscriminate use of an antibiotic can foster the growth of bacteria resistant to the antibiotic, so can the widespread use of injectable products billed as a “vaccine” select for mutations that are resistant to the “vaccine.”
Evidence of Vaccine Toxicity
(Besides Dr. Malone’s encapsulation mentioned above)
1. Lt. Col. Theresa Long is an MD and was Brigade Surgeon for the U.S. Army 1st Aviation Brigade at the time of her amazing affidavit. Her affidavit lists several toxic and/or allergenic chemicals in the vaccines, starting with her item # 24, after she established her credentials, responsibilities, and experience seeing very able and healthy Army pilots get seriously harmed soon after getting a Covid vaccine injection.
1a) The spike protein, which “is engineered into the user’s genome,” produces microclots that will get bigger over time.
1b) In the Pfizer shot, “one of the primary ingredients of the Lipid Nanoparticle delivery system is ‘ALC 1035,’” and it is toxic.
1c) Also in the Pfizer shot, “one of the primary listed ingredients is polyethylene glycol (PEG),” and “this antifreeze ingredient is being studied for the first time in human injectibles.”
[In my web search, I found this research study showing that 72% of people had detectable levels of antibodies to PEG, and 7% of people had antibodies to PEG in excess of 500 ng/mL. These levels suggest to me that allergic reactions to PEG can occur and may be common. Further, the vaccine makers and the FDA say you shouldn’t get the injections if you are allergic to any ingredients in the injection—but of course they don’t routinely mention that, and they don’t test for allergies to PEG. Instead, many government orders and private-sector orders ignored this matter and forced people to get injected or lose their jobs or be excluded from school, travel, whatever. Also bear in mind that such allergic reactions would have come from pills, skin creams, etc. Injected PEG could be expected to be more allergenic.]
1d) In “the Safety Data Sheet of Moderna’s [vaccine, the] key ingredient [is] SM-102 .... Suffice it to say that SM-102 is significantly more dangerous than the Pfizer ALC 3015.”
2. Evidence of vaccine-induced injures is presented in these substacks, at Substack.com:
Steve Kirsch is prolific in presenting big-picture statistical evidence of large numbers of vaccine-induced deaths, injuries, and illnesses, numbering in the hundreds of thousands or more.
Jessica Rose (PhD) goes deep into analyzing and uncovering evidence of vaccine injuries buried within VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System of the CDC) and other data.
These two posts by her, on the Spike S1, Heparin, and the Coagulation Cascade, and on molecular mimicry discuss possibilities—if I understand the posts correctly—how the spike protein may produce excessive blood clots in some people but bleeding in other people. She’s not finished examining this, but I’m mentioning the bleeding part because it’s the first mention of bleeding I have encountered. And I have found references in web searches that bleeding can occur with Covid-19. The implication: Know your condition; blood thinning may be the wrong course for some people; but this is still a work in progress.
Dr. Robert Malone’s posts range from info about the vaccine’s problems to exploring how such a flawed product could be imposed on much of the world’s population, and how we should deal with it.
Meryl Nass, MD, is very knowledgeable and writes about matters relating to the Covid infection and vaccines.
Dr. Tess Lawrie (a British medical doctor, with a PhD too) is a leader in the World Council for Health (British +). Her posts include podcasts and print material, very accessible to a broad audience.
Dr. Pierre Kory (MD) is a leader in the FLCCC (Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance). He focuses on treating Covid patients and people injured by Covid vaccines (see below). He also tells of the corruptions now wreaking havoc in American medicine.
He describes, in this podcast, some of the patterns he has encountered that have yielded at least in some ways to treatment (see FLCCC below).
Here are my notes of the symptoms mentioned in the above interview:
—Blood clotting
[Jessica Rose’s above-cited posts add possibilities of bleeding]
—Reactivation of latent viruses such as CMV, mono, herpes
—New or increased allergic reactions; mast cell activation syndrome
—The spike protein is toxic. It can get produced by the vaccine for many weeks and spreads throughout the body.
—Autoimmune reactions have developed as a result of the spike protein’s effect on human tissue.
[Jessica Rose’s above-cited post on molecular mimicry explains very specific ways that the spike protein mimics natural human tissue and thus suggests the possibly of causing autoimmune illness.]
—Persistent inflammation; monocyte activation
3. Other Sources:
— “COVID-19 and the Global Predators, We are the Prey,” a book by the highly published Peter Breggin, MD, and Ginger Ross Breggin. It details shocking info about the motives and methods of the people pushing such a problematic “vaccine.” They also write an infrequent Substack post.
—Children’s Health Defense and RFK Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci.
—Dr. Peter McCullough. He was early and prescient in warning about the “vaccines.”
—Testimony about vaccine injuries and institutional refusal to recognize and help the injured in any way: by Brianne Dressen and others at Senator Ron Johnson’s hearings in the Fall, 2021.
—RealNotRare.com tells first-person stories of real people injured by the Covid vaccines.
4. Here is a report that the spike protein can hide in the brain and get reactivated down the road.
1. The FLCCC (FirstLineCovid-19CriticalCare) is composed of doctors who treat people relating to Covid and its vaccines. They publish several protocols on their website for treating various stages of Covid, from prevention to treatment stages to long Covid and vaccine toxicity, and they regularly update their protocols as they fine tune them. You can sign up for a weekly webcast that happens on Wednesdays, 7 PM Eastern. It covers a lot of issues, plus they have nurses available to answer your specific questions.
A major part of the protocols is the medication ivermectin. The doctors at FLCCC have found that compounding pharmacies have been very helpful in filling prescriptions for ivermectin. If you need to find a doctor who will prescribe ivermectin, you can try to contact one of the FLCCC’s doctors, or you can try My Free Doctor dot Com. For what it is worth, Tennessee has made ivermectin available without a prescription, otc “over the counter.” Other states are moving in that direction. Try New Hampshire, for instance.
2. The World Council for Health (Britain +) has many helpful posts on its website. In particular, here is its spike-protein detox guide
3. Legal cannabinoids similar to CBD block the spike protein, though this report is only for human cells in lab dishes (in vitro). No info on effectiveness in vivo—in people. Here’s the news report. Here’s the long form of the published study, authored by Richard van Breemen of the Linus Pauling Institute.
In Part 2:
I will discuss various nutritional aspects that the above sources do not mention or don’t explain and emphasize, including brain fog and helping the liver to detox the spike protein.